Happy March everyone!
Whew! Last week was a doozy! I got the Freezer cooking bug big time and its a good thing because in the middle of it, I got a job offer! So, as of 3/01/10, I am a working momma again. I am excited, and nervous. But, jobs just don't fall out of the sky like that every day so I am taking it and thanking God that I got the opportunity :)
Here is this week's menu and chore plan. Since I won't be getting home until after 5 it will up to my mom to start meal prep but we have a good head start with our freezer meals and Menu Planning, of course.
Monday - Vacuum, dust.
Meatloaf (from the freezer)
Baked Squash (still have some from last year's garden that we need to use or lose)
Roasted Broccoli
Tuesday - don't know, what ever needs to be done and it's going to be like that for the rest of the week.
Cranberry Pork Roast
Scalloped Potatoes
Sweet Potato Biscuits
Here is the Recipe for Cranberry Pork Roast, from the Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook.
3 - 4 lb. Pork Roast
salt and pepper to taste
1 C. ground, or finely chopped cranberries
1/4 C. Honey
1 tsp. grated orange peel
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
1. Sprinkle roast with salt and pepper. Place in slow cooker.
2. Combine remaining ingredients. Pour over roast.
3. Cover, cook on low 8 - 10 hours.
Chicken Pasta Bake
Green Salad
Friday - shopping, laundry
Left over Pork Roast
Rice (making enough for 2 nights)
Fresh Veg
Saturday- put away laundry
Pan fried Trout
Fried Rice
Baked Sweet Potatoes
Sunday - Get garbage out, clip coupons
BBQ Steaks (DH scored on some Rib Eye)
Baked Potatoes
Finish off left overs in the fridge.
Check out more recipes on the MPM, hosted by Laura, the Organizing Junkie!
Looks yum!! Read your post about getting a new job opportunity and I think it's just awesome that you got a chance to prepare. ;)
Think I'm going to look up your sweet potato biscuits just for something different. Here's hoping your first week is GREAT!
Everything sounds good. I have that same Fix It & Forget It cookbook; it sees regular use.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I see that you call Eastern WA home; my other half is from Spokane so I visit that area regularly. Come back by and visit again :0)
please where can I buy a unicorn?
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love that Cranberry Pot Roast recipe and stock-up on Cranberry sauce post holidays just for that recipe!
Congrats on the job too!
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