
5 Things for this week

Last week's list was only partially completed, but I feel really good about what I did get done:

1. I was offered an opportunity to speak to a sorority group about coupon shopping and I need to finish the presentation.  I had fun, but I am glad it's over with.

2. Give this house a good cleaning! I realized yesterday that it is quite filthy from neglect. Oh Boy, did it ever!  Got the carpet in the family room shampoo'd, mopped the rest of the house (90% of my floors are hard wood), moved the China Hutch down stairs, re-organized the china, got rid of some china....Dusted the house, re-arranged the furniture (had to move it anyway to mop).  Re-organized the freezers and pantry.  All of this actually took 2 days.

3. Re-organize the broom closet.

4. Still need to go through the boy's clothes.

5. Clean up my potting area outside, and the patio. So nice to be able to enjoy the back yard again!

This week's plan are pretty ambitious, I have more then 5 things but if I get 5 things done I will consider it a success:

1.  Still have those clothes to go through!  I swear, I am doing it today!

3.  Re-organize and clean out the broom closet.  I have been purchasing alot of cleaning supplies and really need to get them put away in a manner that lets me know what all I got, or I will forget and go buy more.

4.  Clean the office and the boy's room - so much easier said then done :(

5.  Buy more Squash seeds and get them started, the last batch didn't go.  The seeds were 2 years old and while I have been quite successful using old seeds with other plants, these were a total no show.

6.  Laundry, laundry, laundry!

7.  Start planning the menu for our Memorial Day camping trip. 

8.  Wash the camping bedding, cookware and dishes.

Many thanks to Tabitha at Saving for a Better Future for hosting the 5 things challenge!


Unknown said...

Leah, I called an left a message let me know when I can drop off your coupon! I thought I would leave this message incase comcast is your phone company too.

Tabitha said...

How did you do this week?

New linky is up if you want to post!
