
$2/1 Printable Welch's Juice Coupon!

Better hurry if you want in on this one because we all know how these high value coupons go fast!

Go HERE TO FACEBOOK , click the "like" button and get a link to print out at $2.00/1 64 oz. Bottle of Welch's 100% Juice!

Then, go to Safeway.com, click on the "Get coupons now" link and load the $1.00/1 Safeway store e-coupon onto your Safeway Club Card for a total of $3.00 off!

I am not sure what the regular price for Welch's is at Safeway right now and I don't see it on ad but by combining both coupons it should make for some pretty darn cheap juice :)

Thanks Money Saving Mom and Utah Deal Diva!


Joelle said...

Nice - thanks Leah . . . hey I left a stack of coupons on your porch today! Hopefully you got them.

Leah said...

I did, Thank You! Was my dog out when you came up? She has been getting out and we can't figure out where :(

Joelle said...

No, I didn't see that your dog was out.