
Rosauers Run

12 Gold 'n Soft Margarine, normally $1.69 each, on sale for $1.00 each = $12.00

4 La Victoria Enchilada Sauce, normally $1.59 each, on sale for $1.00 each = $4.00

3 packages of Fast Fixins Chicken Patties, normally $1.19 each, on sale for $1.00 each = $3.00

2 bags of Fresh Express Garden Salad, normally $1.79 each, on sale for .99 cents each = $1.98

2 bottles of Litehouse Salad Dressing, normally $3.99 each, on sale for $3.00 each = $6.00

1 box of Kashi Heart to Heart Crackers at $3.99

Subtotal = $30.97 for what would have been $48.76 if I had paid regular price. Just by purchasing these items on sale, I saved $17.79!

$1.50/2 Gold 'n Soft MFRs (3/21 SS, exp. 7/31) x 6 = $9.00
(Thanks for the extra coupons Michele and Joelle!)
$1.50/2 La Victoria Printable (NLA?) x 2 = $3.00
$1.00 Fast Fixins MFR (from All You Mag) x 3 = $3.00
$1.00/2 Litehouse Salad Dressings PRINTABLE = $1.00
Free Kashi Product Coupon = $3.99
Bag Credit = .10

Subtotal for Coupons/credits = $20.09

Total for Order $10.88

I present this as an example of how you can save a considerable amount on your grocery bills by purchasing items when they are on sale, combining the sale price with a coupon and stockpiling when the price is right.

Of course, we won't be using 12 containers of Margarine in the next week or so, but I do like to take a container with us when we go camping and in the past have simply ran to the store, paid full price for 1 container ($1.69) just to use it for a few days then throw it away. Since we camp at least 6 times per summer, I would have spent $10.14 for just the Margarine to take with us. I saved $7.14 alone buying it on sale with the coupons, and it freezes really well, so we have a stockpile that will last through this year and quite possibly next year as well.


Unknown said...

Great buy Leah,you hit the nail on the head when you said wait for the salw then use your coupons!
I had a lot of fun yesterday you and Michele and am looking forward to doing it again!

Michele said...

I think I'm going to pick up a few of those margarine too. I have plenty of butter but those tubs are great while camping. Thanks for the idea. :-) I had a great time at lunch too.

Joelle said...

I'm going to get some of the tubs of butter too!

Hey Leah . . . does Yokes allow overage on doublers?

Sooo much fun at lunch! Thanks guys! We do need to make sure we do it again!

Anonymous said...

Great work Leah! Great idea on the margarine. Thanks!

Leah said...

Thanks ladies! I had a great time at lunch too, I hope we can get together again soon :)

As far as overages at Yokes, I have done it but I think it's really the cashier's call (right JoDee;) If it is just with MFRs and you have something else to cover the overage they generally don't care. They are going to get reimbursed anyway.

They are a bit more vigilent when it involves competitor coupons (like the doublers) They don't get reimbursed for those and the department managers have to count them against their sales. And most of them don't like it. Its pretty involved, I will tell you about it our next get together.

Michele said...

If you don't make it to Rosauers for the butter the normal price for it at Safeway is .99. My son got a good laugh out of telling me that one.

Leah said...

LOL :)

What a brat!