You know...this is one of those weeks where Everybody has the same stuff on sale so they try to outwit each other by offering free Turkeys or super cheap Turkeys if you spend a certain amount. Fred Meyer even put an ad in the paper today. Here is the breakdown.
Albertsons -
Village Market frozen basted Turkey
.37 cents per lb up to 16 lb, over 16 lb .27 cents per lb, with additional $25.00 purchase.
If you don't spend $25.00 the turkey is $1.29/lb.
Butterball frozen Turkeys, $1.59/lb.
Butterball fresh Turkeys, $1.79/lb.
Wild Harvest whole Turkey (organic), $2.49/lb.
Fred Meyer - ad on page C8
Private Selection frozen Turkey
Free if you spend $150.00 (ok, who the heck is going to do that?...but I wonder if that is store wide or just grocery...)
.49 cents per lb. when you spend $100.00
.59 cents per lb. when you spend $50.00
They don't say what the price is if you don't spend at least $50.00...(maybe, No Turkey For You!)
Fresh Yams or Sweet Potatoes, .68 cents per lb. (you know they both are really sweet potatoes, but that is another post for a different day)
Bulk Walnuts, in ad coupon, $2.49/lb.
Rosauers - 13 hour wine and cheese sale on Thursday, 11/19 - 20% off.
Premium Norbest whole Turkey, .39 cents per lb with a $25.00 purchase. They didn't say what the price is if you don't spend $25.00.
Folgers or Yuban Coffee, $4.99
- $1.00 MFR (11/8 RP, exp. 12/5)
= $3.99
Lindsay Large Olives, .79 cents
- $1.00/2 PRINTABLE
= .29 cents each wyb 2
Safeway -
Safeway frozen Turkey, .27 cents per lb. if over 16 lbs, .37 cents per lb. if under, with $25.00 minimum purchase.
Honey Suckle frozen Turkey, .69 cents per lb. with $25.00 minimum purchase.
Safeway Fresh Turkey, .99 cents per lb. with $25.00 minimum purchase.
4 days only - 11/18 - 11/21
2 liter 7-up products, 3 for $1.00, with club card. It says limit 1 purchase of 3 per household, but I don't know how they would keep track of that, unless they are tracking it somehow with your club card.
O Organics Fresh Herbs, 2 for $4.00
Safeway is also doing a "spend $25.00 on participating products, get a $5.00 reward coupon good on future purchases" that an OYNO deal? The wording is weird. Anyway, I will try to get back to this later today.
Yokes - They flat out ain't playing the turkey game...
Butterball frozen Turkey, .89 cents per lb.
Fresh Turkey, $1.27/lb. I'm guessing that it is Norbest.
Smoked Turkey, $2.99/lb.
Longhorn Spiral Cut Ham, $1.88/lb. Best Ham on the planet!
Russet Potatoes, 10 lbs., .98 cents each
Swanson's chicken Broth, .39 cents each
- .25 cents/4 MFR exp. 12/20
= $1.31 for 4 or .32 cents each wyb 4
Fresh "Yams", .58 cents/lb.

ok, who the heck is going to do that?
Me! ;) We decided a few months ago to get a Wii as a family Christmas gift. (Yes, we're behind the times, but it pays.) So we used the $30 off $150+ FM coupon last week AND got a free turkey. What a deal!
Im actually rather suprised that Electronics was not excluded on that coupon, cuz it seems like everything else was. I think you did very well, I am going to have to look at that closer, I want a Wii too! I have to bribe my daughter into letting me borrow her's as it is right now :(
If you can believe it, I haven't even opened up my Wed ads. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much anyway. Thanks for the recap.
I haven't looked, but what if you bought a gift card - does that count towards your total? If it does - and you were going to buy some gift cards anyway, it might be a good time!
We got the Save up to $30 certificate in yesterday's paper here in Spokane and it does say that it is not valid for gift cards :( Works great for electronics though and can be used with the Turkey coupon. We did what Melissa did today, got us a Wii (finally) and a big Turkey for Easter now too :)
my bad, it was actually today's paper...its been a long day...
Leah, I just wanted to let you know that the 3/1 7-up products at Safeway includes Sunkist and in the 11/15 smart source there is a coupon for 1/2. I used it today and walk out with free pop! How cheap (frugal) am I that .33 a 2 litter is not good enough lol
Also at Walgreens they have the Karo Syrup on sale for 1.49 and there is a .40 off Mf for a couple weeks ago. I love divinity so I needed some anyway.
I totally forgot about the sunkist coupon :( I am still wondering how they are limiting it to 3 per household...
I got to get to Walgreens myself, I have some RRs that are going to expire, and that would really suck.
I have done this transaction 3 times so the limit doesn't work.
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