
75 % off Printable Prescription coupon!

I am not sure how long this coupon has been on coupons.com or how long it will stay there but it caught my eye and I wanted to point it out to everyone. Country Rx has put out a MFR coupon to save up to 75% off on Prescription Medicine at your local pharmay. This includes major chains like Wal-Mart, Rite-Aid, Target, Kroger, CVS, and Walgreens.

I printed one to see the fine print and this is what got my attention. It says, " Pharmacist: Please enter these codes into the system for your uninsured/underinsured population to help those in need."

So, this coupon cannot be combined on-top of insurance. But, with the way things are today, we all know someone who is struggling finacially, might not have insurance for what ever reason and are having to go without medication simply because they cannot afford it. This coupon is for them, and if you know someone in that spot, print it out and give it to them :)

The easiest way to find this coupon is to click on my coupons.com banner up there in the top right corner where it says "see all coupons". That will produce a list that is easy to scroll down through and you can choose the coupon from there.

Weekly favs will be up soon :)

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