
My 5 Things for this week

Hey, I did really well last week!  Managed to accomplish all of the tasks I had assigned to myself :)  Go Leah!

Last week's list:

Get my desk cleaned off again.

Start working on my Parents Income Tax Return.

Clean up the boy's room.

Do some yard work in the front if the weather permits, if not, clean and re-organize the pantry.

Continue the daily sweep and declutter routine.

This week's list ( I know, the week's almost over but I plan on doing this stuff over the weekend)

Finish cleaning out the flower beds in the front yard, get the back yard garden spots prepared for planting.

Do a bunch of Freezer cooking.

Re-organize the Freezers.

Finish getting my clipped coupons organized in the binder.

Continue with the daily sweep/declutter routine.

Go check out what others are doing to get their houses back in order at Tabitha's My 5 Things

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