In case anyone was wondering why I have not done a favs of the week yet...
Yup, that is a shattered window in one of the French Doors that goes out to our back patio. Our neighbor boy - who - before I go any further - is actually a very sweet and responsible kid - was playing with his new Bee bee gun in his back yard. He must of gotten it for Christmas this year and a couple days ago I knew that it was new because I could hear him shooting it from inside our house, where I could not with his old one.
Anyway, he was shooting at his target and since I have never seen him point it anything but his target I was not worried. I let the cat out and took 2 steps out of the room when I heard POP!
Then Colby started screaming that something hit the window and sure enough, I pull back the blind and see the outside pane just spider web shattering while I watch.
Now, of course I have to go around the block and knock on my neighbors door and basically pretty much let them know what happened. This is always a dicey situation, no matter how it goes it is uncomfortable and any Police officer can tell you a story about how something like this has turned into the Hatfields and McCoys in any given city. I was nervous to say the least. I didn't want to come out all teeth and claws and ruin what has been a friendly-over-the-fence relationship. Proceeding with caution...
I explained the situation, the poor boy was so upset! He had not even realized that it happened and I felt so bad for him. He goes to a different school then the one that most of the neighborhood kids do and doesn't have alot of friends on the block so he was just doing what he enjoyed to pass a bit of time before it got dark. His parents took away his toy and locked it up. He apologized profusely and I couldn't be mad, it really was an accident. A Bee Bee ricochet accident.
So, we are working it out now with his folks and Insurance. We are really lucky that all of our neighbors are so nice and I was really relieved that we were able to resolve this is a friendly fashion. This actually happened before at our former home and it didn't really work out....
Anyway, this is why there are no favs this week. But, if your out and about and find something really hot please leave a comment and let us know about it :)
Leah you are a good neighbor I'm not sure I could have handled it so gracefully! Ok so I was out and about and I found Nalley's Pickle spears at Yokes for 2.19 so I matched it with the coupon from the Smart Source 1/31 for $1.50 off slicers or spears so only .69 per jar. And so you know my family are pickle freaks so I had to get some!
Ah - Poor kid! I am glad you are neighbors with a nice family. We had that happen to us before and the kid was a total punk and the dad was even worse!! Needless to say . . . . we got jipped!! Our huge picture window too!! Not cheap!
Oh man, that is a bummer!!!
Sounds like you've got some decent neighbors (I was reading this, thinking that the parents were going to try and say their son didn't do anything). I'm glad it seems to be working out.
I feel so blessed to live in my nieghborhood because everyone is so friendly :) But, in other places it hasn't always been that way and I know all about those "Punks".
a couple things I learned from this is 1. Those new beebee guns are really powerful, this was a double-paned security glass window and that little plasic beebee really did some damage and 2. After talking to my sister (who works in insurance) if you have something like this happen and can actually afford to pay for it OOP then that is how you want to go with it because Liability claims are a HUGE black mark and your going to get dropped with the next one. I wish I would have known that before asking them to call their insurance agency, they are really nice people but with a boy, odds are, there will be another :(
Thanks for the heads up JoDee, you know my girl is a pickle freak too so I am going to have to hide those coupons! LOL!
Are you telling me that he tried to shoot the cat and ended up busting out the door windows?? love, Ginger
...and I want the pickle coupons!
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