When we were de-frosting the freezer we also re-organized and took an inventory of our pantry to prepare for the Eat from the Pantry Challenge. Here are some photos, as you can see, is not a real pantry but a large set of shelves in the corner of my utility room. Our house was built in 1955 and apparently no one stored food in their kitchens back in those days because there is no place to store anything in it.
Here is how we have it organized:
Top shelf -
Dry Beans
Mac-n-cheese cups
Wacky Mac
Baking (flour, cornmeal, sugar, cake mixes, frosting etc.)
Peanut Butter and Jam
2nd shelf -
Pasta mixes
Rice mixes
Canned/Jarred Tomatoes
Soup and Broth
Canned/Pouched Meats
Stuffing mixes
3rd shelf -
Cereal/Breakfast items
Crackers/snackie stuff
Hamburger Helper
Canned Veg
Canned Beans
Seasoning packets
4th shelf -
Some extra kitchen pots and pans
Bottom shelf -
more pots and pans, extra Kitchen appliances.
You re(dis)organized the pantry?
You didn't notice?
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