Go Here and become a fan of International Delight Coffee Creamer on Facebook and get a coupon for a Free Pint of Creamer. Thanks Printable Coupons and Deals
Here's the deal with it though, it is a printable coupon and most stores will not accept free item coupons that are printed from the Internet :(
I am going to take one into Yokes today and ask them to verify it for acceptance. I will update this post later with the information I get.
In the mean time, there is a new .55 cents/1 printable HERE
I used mine at FredMeyer with no problem. I picked up two of the White Chocolate mocha. Yummy!
I think Safeway is really the only store that will not accept it, their IP coupon policy prohibits free item coupons :(
I used mine at Albertsons last night w/ no problem. I was nervous because I wasn't sure of their policy regarding free IP coupons, but it was fine.
You know what weirded me out about the coupon is that there isn't a place for the cashier to write in the amount and I was worried that we would get static over that too. Looks like most stores are ok with it though :)
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