Finally got a chance to sit down and look at the sales papers from Wednesday :) These sale items will end Tuesday, 9/15/09 so you still have a couple days to take advantage of the prices.
Yokes Large Eggs, .68 cents/dozen, limit 2.
Gossner Natural Cheese, 2 lb. blocks, $3.88 each.
WA grown Russet Potatoes, 10 lb. bag, .98 cents each
Chiquita Bananas, .28 cents/lb.
Angel Soft Bath Tissue, 6 to 12 ct. $3.49 each
- $1.00 off one 6 ct. or higher in Today's paper = $2.49 each
- $1.00 off Albertsons doubler = $1.49 each!
Nabisco Single Serve Tray, $3.99 each
- $1.00 off one from the Nabisco Booklet = $2.99 each
- $1.00 Albertsons doubler = $1.99 each
Q-Tips, 300 to 375 ct. 2 for $3.00
- $1.00/2 MFR exp. 10/25 = 2 for $2.00
- $1.00 Albertsons doubler = 2 for $1.00
(I know I have this coupon but I forgot where I put it, its either under Health and Beauty, medicine or Paper products, so I pulled the info from Hot Coupon World)
Bisquick, 40 oz. $2.99 x 2 = $5.98
- $1.00/2 PRINTABLE = $4.98
- $1.00 Albertsons doubler = $3.98 for 2.
(there was a .60 cents off one coupon not long ago, so if you have one of those coupons it would be $1.79 for one with the coupon and the Albertsons doubler)
Cascadian Farm Frozen Veggies, 2 for $5.00 ($2.50 each)
- $1.00 PRINTABLE = $1.50 each
- $1.00 Albertsons doubler = .50 cents each.
Soy Dream or Rice Dream Milk, $1.99
- .75 cents off PRINTABLE = $1.24
- .75 cents Albertsons doubler = .49 cents each
Since this product is shelf stable this is a great stock up price!
I had asked you before if Yokes limits the amount of doublers you can use a transaction and the one on Sprague in the Valley said you can use as many as you want!
Awesome! They have never limited me before either but I was told that in atleast in regards to the store I shop at they were considering it so this is good info to have in the event they try. Thanks for sharing :)
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