August 22, 2009 Update:
August 19, 2009

I am so excited about this I can barely breath!
My Blog Spark, General Mills and Pepsi Co. are giving ME a $30.00 gift card to Krogers and have challenged me to get the most loot that I can!
My Blog Spark, General Mills and Pepsi Co. are also offering another $30.00 Gift Card to one of my readers!! And, the gift card is valid at both Kroger Stores and Fred Meyers.
Here's the Deal for Kroger Shoppers:
Starting August 16, 2009 through September 2, 2009 there is a MEGA SAVINGS EVENT!
The Mega Savings Event is taking place at the Kroger Co., Family of Stores Aug. 16th thru Sept. 2nd – Click here to see a list of participating stores. If you are not familiar with this promotional offer, here is how it works: when you buy 10 participating brands (see list below) and use your Shopper Card at check out you instantly save $5. And there is no limit on the number of rewards per transaction! Look for the double yellow tags in-store .
Participating brands include: AMP Energy, Aquafina, Betty Crocker Baking Mixes, Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, Cascadian Farms Cereals and Bars, Cap'n Crunch, Cheerios, Cheetos, Chex Mix, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cocoa Puffs, Dole Juices and Juice Drinks, Fiber One, Fritos, Gatorade, Golden Grahams, Green Giant, Hamburger Helper, Life , Lipton Tea, Nature Valley, Old El Paso, Pepsi family of 2 Liters, Pillsbury, Progresso, Propel, Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Quaker Chewy Bars, Starbucks, Sobe Life Water, Totino’s, Trix, Tropicana, Yoplait and MORE!
For more information, and links to coupon-match-ups for the Kroger Mega-Event, you absolutely must go see JANE4GIRLS800DOLLARANNUALBUDGET (psss: she's giving away a $30.00 gift card too!)
Here's the Deal for Fred Meyer Shoppers:
Starting August 16, 2009 through August 29, 2009, purchase 10 of the qualifying items (see the list above) and earn 500 Bonus Reward Points on your Fred Meyer Rewards Card. Another way to figure out if the product is part of the Promotion is if it has one of the "Blue Participating Item" Tags. For every dollar you spend, you get 1 bonus point, and when you get $500.00 bonus points in a 13 week cycle, you will be mailed a Rewards Rebate to spend at your favorite Fred Meyers.
To get more bang for your buck, load up your Krogers and Fred Meyer's card with e-coupons from Cellfire and Shortcuts, and printing them out from, Smartsource, and Red Plum. Shortcuts is pretty strait forward about this, you just add a Krogers card to your account (even if its a Fred Meyer, choose Krogers as your new card). Cellfire is a bit trickier, you have to set up a new account with a different cell phone number, then enter a zipcode for an area that actually has Kroger stores (I used 77494), then you can download e-coupons on it from Krogers just like you do for Safeway.
Ok, here is the fun part. Like I said before, I am not only being given a $30.00 gift card for myself, but I get to give one away too!! Oh, I am so excited about this! So, if you want a chance at a $30.00 Gift Card that can be used at Kroger or Fred Meyer, leave me a comment with your name and city, and **if you want to, you can email me your full name and address info as well so that when the winner is chosen I can forward the info to My Blog Spark so that they can mail out the prize asap. I will use the Random Integer Generator (recommended by the Frugal Chic) to determine the winner on Sunday evening, August 22, 2009 and will post the winning number and name and either:
1. Forward the winner's info to My Blog Spark (if I already have it) or
2. Give the winner until 6:00 pm Monday, August 23, 2009 to email me their contact info. If the prize is unclaimed by that time, I will pick another winner.
Much love to My Blog Spark, General Mills, and Pepsi Co for giving me this opportunity to do this give-away, and to Erin for her helpful advice on how to do this right!
**I hate spam mail too, so all name, email and address information I receive for this give away will be deleted after the prize is awarded.
Hope I win. Thanks
wohooo thanks for the shout out! I just found out our coupon policy might be changing to only doubling or tripling ONE like coupon per order...kinda stinks.
We don't have the rewards thing like you guys do either...lucky, lol
I shop at Kroger in Columbus, Ohio. My name is here and you can click to find my email.
Congrats on your first giveaway!
Pick me, Pick me!!!! :)
No...pick me!!! XOXO
Laura says...
You should pick me because I have been a good girl and could use the gift cert :)
Laura Hanson
Here's my entry! Hope I win. Then you can give me more advise on how to maximize the bucks! Thanks for all of your help, Leah! Your blog is great!
Just a FYI, please please PLEASE ATLEAST put your name in your comment if your going for the $30.00 gift card, if you don't I wont be able to contact you to let you know if you won. I can't tell the difference between Anon # 4 or #50, just leave me a name, if nothing else.
Thanks :)
What a great deal! I found your blog today and would love to win $30.
Thanks, Michele
Here's my entry! Hope I win. Then you can give me more advise on how to maximize the bucks! Thanks for all of your help, Leah! Your blog is great!
Becky Sommers
You are one of my favorite frugal bloggers. Thank you for all you do.
jkeller~ I shop at Kroger in Spring Hill, TN.
Bloomington, IL!!
I shop at the Kroger in Grand Blanc MI.
Great Giveaway Leah!!!
I shop the Spokane Valley Fred Meyer on Sullivan - I LOVE Freddies!
Crystal, Libery Lake
I just love store gift cards, hope this one becomes mine!
I love buying bread at .49/loaf at Fred Meyers. $30.00 would sure be a lot of "bread"!
Julie in Spokane, WA
o see another Northsider! Fred Meyer rocks, but I hope they get done with the construction soon!
LOVE deals...thanks for the tips. I shop at Fred Meyer in the Spokane Valley. A gift card sure would be a blessing:)
Sorry, I guess I thought faster than I typed - it should say "Good to see"
Thank you so much Leah, I hope I win!
Good morning! Frugal Chic posted about this. You guys both do a great job helping all of us. Thank you.
I love Fred Meyer in the Valley.
Liberty Lake, WA
Hi, I found out about your site from the Frugal Chic in Liberty Lake Washington. I recently lost my six figure income and have a technology job that pays me 1/3 of my former wages. I could uproot my six kids and move to a larger market or our family can cut corners and simplify. I want you to know that coupon shopping has helped. Our family has taken on Couponing as a hobby. It has actually brought us closer together. Before I would run into and spend 200 or 300 dollars and get home with nothing in the fridge, I did not have to worry about it. Now I look back and think how much money I could have saved in the bank if I had used my frugal chic ways. I love coupon clipping and will never give it up. PS It is very complicated and you must be highly organized to get the best deals...its as challenging as a multimillion dollar proposal...keep up the good work and thank you Rebecca Litz
Wow, I could really use a $30 Kroger card! Here in Lafayette, Indiana, our Kroger is actually Pay-Less, and we love the Mega Events they have! Mix them with printed and e- coupons and it really helps! Love your stuff, and the Frugal Chic, too! Michele Payne
Sweet! I love this promotion! I shop at Smith's in Provo, Utah and love that store!
Erica D.
Celeste Osborn
Spokane, WA
Yahoo for giveaways!
Thanks for the tip on e-coupons at Freddy's! I've only used them at Safeway.
Myrtle Creek,OR
I am thrilled to learn that I can use E-Coupons a Fred Meyer!! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
What a great give-away! I love Freddies! My name is Golden and I am from Granite Falls, WA. (teeny-tiny town in Western WA) lol
Thanks for the opportunity!
I hope I win! I am the couponer of the year! Lol...
What a great contest! Thanks Frugal Chic for the link to here! I am Brenda in Spokane.
Great contest! I'd love a chance to win! My name is Summer, and I'm in Post Falls, ID.
Crossing fingers in Athol Id. for Fred Meyers Woohoo
Hi, I'm in Valley, WA. good luck everyone
My name is Stephanie! I live in Spokane! Love getting info on free and cheap stuff! Thanks!
Stephanie B
Never won a thing in my life but there's no time like the present! Melinda - Bellevue, WA
Thanks for all your work; I love websites that help us save money since my husband is a full time student and I am a full time mommy.
Thanks! I love Fred Meyer!
Thank you so much for this site and for sharing! I think this is the lucky entry! :-)
I shop in Yuma, AZ and my name is Audrey. I believe you also have my email. Thanks again!!
Hope to win! I love Fred Meyer sushi. :)
Wow, this would be awesome. Thanks for the info on the sale. I'd love the gift card. Keep saving!
Hope I can still enter! =D
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