Please ignore my messy house, if you have been following my blog for the last few days you understand that I haven't been very interested in housekeeping.
And, right off the bat I want to say that during the last week, while I was researching and planning my shopping trip, I got some of the best customer service I have ever experienced from Fred Meyer. Everyone I talked to, from the Store Director and Assistant Manager at the store on E. Francis Ave, the Customer Service Reps at both the Francis location and Wandermere, and the Cashiers at both locations as well, went above and beyond to help me.
Ok, the photo is the result of 4 different transactions. I did a break down of yesterday's trip in the previous post, but I will touch on it again so that there is a total for all items purchased.
Transaction # 1 - Fred Meyer at Wandermere
1 Box of Whole Grain Total Cereal
3 Boxes of Hamburger Helper (I know alot of people don't like this stuff, but we love it)
2 bags of Nature Valley Nut Clusters
1 4 pk. Fiber-one Yogurt
1 pair of Household scissors
Subtotal: $15.48
$1.00 off 1 NV Nut Clusters, x 2
$1.00 Fiber-One Yogurt
$1.00 Total Cereal
.75 cents/3 Hamburger Helper
.75 cents Mystery coupon (I still can't figure out where that extra .75 cents came from, all my HH coupons are account for)
$1.99 Fred Meyer Store Coupon for the scissors
.33 cent Fred Meyer Store Coupon for the Total Cereal
Total Coupons = $7.82
Subtotal = $7.66
Minus E-Coupons:
$1.00 Nature Valley from Shortcuts
$1.00 Nature Valley from Cellfire
$1.00 Fiber-One Yogurt from Cellfire
.75 Total Cereal from Shortcuts
.75/3 Hamburger Helper from Shortcuts
Total E-Coupons: $4.50
Total: $3.16
Balance on Gift Card: $26.84
Transaction #2 Fred Meyer on E. Francis
$10.00 - 10 Sobe Life Waters @ 10 for $10.00
$1.58 - 2 Propel Waters @ .79 cents each
$3.36 - 2 Betty Crocker Warm Delights @ $1.68 each
$3.98 - 2 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls @ $1.99 each
$3.78 - 2 Pillsbury Toaster Strudels @ $1.89 each
$1.39 - 1 Old El Paso Stand and Stuff Taco Shells @ $1.39
$1.33 - 1 Old El Paso Refried Beans @ $1.33
$1.39 - Betty Crocker Cake Mix @ $1.39
$1.49 - 1 Betty Crocker Frosting @ $1.49
$1.59 - 1 Ragu Pasta Sauce @ $1.59
$3.00 - 2 Wishbone Salad Dressings @ 1.50 each
$1.99 - 1 4pk Yoplait Yoplus Yogurt @ $1.99
$1.28 - 1 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix @ $1.28
Subtotal = $36.16
$5.00 - B1G1F Sobe Life Water x 5
$1.00/2 - Propel Water
$1.00 - Betty Crocker Warm Delights, .50 cents x 2
.50 cents/2 - Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
.55 cents/2 - Pillsbury Toaster Strudels
.60 cents/2 - Old El Paso Products
.50 cents - BC Cake Mix and Frosting
.50 cents - Ragu
$1.50 - Wishbone Salad Dressing, .75 cents x 2
$1.00 - Yoplait Yoplus Yogurt
.40 cents - BC Cookie Mix
Total Coupons: $12.55
Subtotal = $23.61
$2.00 - Fred Meyer Store Coupon for buying 2 Wishbone and 1 Ragu
Subtotal = $21.61
Minus E-Coupons:
.50 cents - Betty Crocker Warm Delights - Cellfire
.50 cents - Betty Crocker Warm Delights - shortcuts
.50 cents/2 - Pillsbury Crescent Rolls - shortcuts
.40 cents - Betty Crocker Cookie Mix - shortcuts
.50 cents - Betty Crocker Cake and Frosting - shortcuts
.55 cents/2 - Pillsbury Toaster Strudel - shortcuts
.60 cents/2 - Old El Paso - shortcuts
.25 cents - Wishbone Salad Dressing - Unilever e-savings.
Total E-Coupons: $3.80
Subtotal: $17.81
3 Albertsons Double coupons = $1.60
Subtotal: $16.21 + tax of $1.01
Total = $17.22
Balance remaining on Gift Card = $9.62
Transaction #3 - Fred Meyer on E. Francis Ave.
$4.98 - 2 Pillsbury Grands @ $2.49 each
$5.00 - 2 Chex Mix Bars @ $2.50 each
Subtotal = $9.98
$1.00/2 - Pillsbury Grands
$1.20 - Chex Mix Bars, .60 cents x 2
Total Coupons = $2.20
Subtotal = $7.78
Minus E-coupons:
$1.00/2 Pillsbury Grands
.60 cents Chex Mix Bars - Cellfire
.60 cents Chex Mix Bars - Shortcuts
Total E-coupons = $2.20
Subtotal = $5.58
3 Albertsons Doublers to $2.20
Bag refund = .10
Total: $3.38
Balance remaining on Gift Card = $6.34
Transaction #4 - Fred Meyer on E. Francis Ave.
.93 cents - .31 lbs fresh mushroom at $2.99/lb
2.19 - Ronzoni Fett Noodles (my daughter needed them for a dinner she is making)
Total= $3.12
Total balance remaining on Gift Card = $3.22
So, I spent a total of $26.78 for a total of 39 items, Jane4girls800dollarannualbudget did considerably better then I did, she managed 84 items for her $30.00, but I do still have some left over and she went a bit over so I guess its a wash.
I probably could have done better if I had more Albertsons Doublers, but I only had 6 and suprisingly few $1.00 coupons.. The Good news is that Fred Meyer does accept the Albertsons Double Coupons!! Yaaaa!
PS. I got 1059 in Fred Meyer Reward point, and if I understand how this works correctly, I will be getting $10.00 back at the end of the next rewards cycle. Sweet!!
Great job at FM! I'm sure you are exhausted. Thanks for the heads up on FM taking doublers. There are also three more in this Sundays paper.
Is there any room left in our quarters in the basement to reside? Or are we going to have to build a warehouse in the back yard?
Thats Great News Michele :) I am exhausted from it. Even though it was the lead CSR at Wandermere that told me about it, they weren't so sure at the E. Francis store and had to call to make sure. It was a small hiccup but we got it worked out. Apparently, not all the Fred Meyer's are aware of the doublers or know how to handle them. Be prepared for them to say no and them let them know that both the Northside locations do accept them. I got some names you can drop if you need too :)
I guess I should add that I have names for people in Spokane.
I shop the Wandemere store. I will try a scenario after the new doubles come out on Sunday. Nice to have someone to share North Side deals with. :)
I feel the same way :)
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