So, I had less then a day to get everything for "real" camping packed up and ready to go. Royce wanted to go to Lake Ellen, and we had driven up there to check it out a couple days earlier. Very scenic, especially once you get off the highway and start up the dirt roads to the campgrounds. The road is high in the hills on the north bank of the Columbia River and the views are spectacular.
Here, Colby got his opportunity to live the life that all little 4 year old boys dream about. He got to run around near naked, didn't have to take a bath (he would probably say that is the BEST part about Camping), got to eat smores and drink pop.
And, he actually caught his first Fish!!
Actually, he caught the FIRST Fish, with his little Spiderman Fishing Pole (who knew that Spiderman likes to go fishing?). In reality, he was a bit grossed out by it but his Dad was sooooo proud of him. Royce has been dreaming of him and Colby being fishing buddies since we found out I was having a boy. Of course, Colby's patience for it soon ran out but we had brought a portable DVD player that my sister had given us and he lounged in the back of the truck, watching movies and eating junk food for the remainder of the day.
He has the life.
Anywhoo, so now were back, I dont even want to try to figure out what we spent on Camping this last week because Im sure I will be mortified. Luckily we did sell a car prior to going so it wasnt money that came out of our regular budgets.
And, when I got back I saw that Albertson's had put 3 more doubler's in the Sunday Paper!!! YAAA!!! And then my sweet dear neighbor, Mary, came over and gave me her doublers and coupons from the Paper too so I got 6 doublers burning a hole in my pocket.
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